An eclectic team of creative minds and visionary dreamers located in Melbourne, who believe that teachers and traditional classes are insufficient to navigate today’s world. As Insight Academy Hub holds its core focus on real-world experiences and networking, we build many relationships with businesses, community organizations, and governments across Australia and internationally.

Location: Melbourne

Website: http://www.insightacademy.edu.au

Intakes: 6 intakes per year

Duration: from 1 to 1.5 years
Business & Entrepreneurship
Cambridge exam preparation
ICARE Certificate IV in sustainable operations
IBUILT Certificate III in carpentry
General english
ISTART Certificate IV in entrepreneurship & new business
IPROJECT Diploma of project management
IPAINT Certificate III in painting and decoration
IELTS test preparation
IGROW Diploma of business, ILEAD Advanced diploma of leadership & management
IMANAGE Advanced diploma of program management

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