Settle your Studies Fees Securely and at Low Transaction Cost with NEXPAY
What is NEXPAY?
We acknowledge how important safety measures and exchange rates are when paying for your student fees through international bank transactions. NexPay’s payment system has been designed to simplify international transactions and allow students to save money in hidden fees. I.e.: you can “save” by only having to incur into a single funds transfer to a local bank account.
Benefits of using NexPay:
- Secure payments with a full support team available 24/7.
- Service available in 45 countries (and counting!)
- Payments are settled using the local currency
- Credit card option available
- 0 bank transaction fees: save by wiring to a local bank account
- Competitive fees with no hidden charges, you can save up to $150AUD in a $5000AUD payment.
- Fast international transfers (funds clear between 13 and 25 hours).
This service is recognised by the Australian government as well as education affiliations such as English Australia, Australia, ASIC and AUSTRAC.
NexPay also has official headquarters in 4 countries: Australia, United Kingdom, Brazil and Colombia.
AustraliaOnline is a privately owned company operating under ABN 59097793863